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描写作家的片段? 描写作家名曲的句子?

时间:2024-05-09 来源:otovc.com


1. 伏尔泰以一部《汤姆叔叔的小屋》引发解放黑奴战争,仅仅靠手中的笔,他就推动了历史巨大的车轮,指引人类走向新的世界。

2. 以卢梭等为代表的启蒙主义文学家们,首先吹响了法国大革命的号角,不仅改变了法国的历史,也改变了世界的历史。

3. 卡夫卡在《变形记》中一下子把我们抛入一个荒诞不经、令人震惊的世界,为我们开启了一道奇特的认识社会的大门。

4. 《老人与海》的主人公说:“人生来不是要给打败的,可以被消灭,但不会被打败”,海明威的人生就是努力实践这个信念,灵魂不屈不挠地时刻在斗争着。





English is an important subject in school. English is playiny an important role in our daily life.For example,all kinds of things are intruduced in English. And we must studyEnglish hard. In this way, we can understand the intruductions .Come on!


English is currently the most wide spread language in the world, it is second only to Mandarin Chinese in terms of the amount of people which speak it.

English can be used as a lunguage in any part of the world, though the the people might not have the same accents, still, the language will be understandable. There are various examples in proving the importance of english.

For instance, in a travel, when a person travels to another part of the world either for business or as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English becomes th e language that helps people to deal with the condition.

The presence of English as an universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their country for studying abroad. Education has increased the role of English and also reinforces the fact that English is very important


MybirthdayisinJuly.Iamveryhappyonmybirthday,becauseIcaneatmyfavoritefoodandgetmanygiftsfrommyparentsandfriends.Lastyear,Ihadmybirthdaypartyasusual.Iwasveryexcitedinthemorning.Myfatherwenttobuymeabigbirthdaycake.Mymothercleanedalltheroomsandcookeddeliciousfood.Iinvitedallmyfriendstomyparty.Weplayedfunnygames,andtheysangabirthdaysongandlightedthecandles.Imadeawishandblewallthecandles.Thenweatethebirthdaycaketogether.Iopenedthegiftsfrommyparentsandfriends. Ihadareallywonderfulbirthdayparty.




Cheehtas run the fastest in the world.And they're so beautiful that people kill them for their skins.So,they're dying now.we should protect them,a kind of beautiful animals.



Last sunday, Mr.Lee got up very early to go fishing. He spent the whole day sitting beside the river but got nothing at the end of the day. Therefore, Mr.Lee was very dissapointed due to that he had to go home by dinner time. On his way home, Lee thought that his wife might be mad at him for bringing nothing back. So he bought a big fish at the market before he got home. At least, he was happy finally for what he could bring home.



The benefit of learning English is English is a language widely used today .We can learn more about a foreign countries, we can talk to foreigners,We can pass the exam 就make sure we are not falling behind with others,english is useful


English well needs preseverance, Because learning english, where is a long term process.We should Stick to learn english everyday in order to learn it well

And learning english well, needs us open our mouth to practice more.



I want to join a club , I can play the Hu Luxi . I can sing. I can art , speak English and swim . So I can join the music clnb , the art club , the English clud and the swimming club . At last ,I join the English .

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