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时间:2022-01-14 来源:otovc.com

巴厘岛不但天然景色优美迷人,其文化和社会风俗习惯的丰富多彩也驰名于世。巴厘人的古典舞蹈典雅多姿,在世界舞蹈艺术中具有独特的地位,亦是印尼民族舞蹈中一枝鲜艳的奇葩。其中,狮子与剑舞最具代表性。 巴厘的雕刻(木雕、石雕)、绘画和手工业品也以其精湛的技艺,独特的风格遐迩闻名。在岛上处处可见木石的精美雕像和浮雕,因此,该岛又有“艺术之岛”之誉。玛斯是该岛著名的木雕中心。巴厘的绘画别具一格,大都是用胶和矿物颜料画在粗麻布或白帆布上,主题取材于田园风光和人民生活习俗,具有浓郁的地方色彩。因此,巴厘岛素有“诗之岛”、“东方的希腊”的美称。位于岛中部的鸟穆是绘画中心,博物馆内保存着许多历史文物和巨幅绘画。 在鸟穆附近,有一座呈方形的千年古洞──象洞,洞深只有二、三米,洞内雕有栩栩如生的神像。在加威山上有著名的四大石刻像,另有5座神龛分立于大石像之前;在半山腰建有淡巴西冷的总统行宫。 巴厘岛象洞庙的一个佛像 在岛中部的生宜有著名的猴子庙,猴子成群结队。其北有风景优美的比都库湖。著名的京打马尼,气候凉爽,由此可远望顶峰终年烟雾迷朦的巴都火山。巴都山下的巴都湖也以风光优美著称。岛东南部的格龙宫是著名的古代巴厘王朝法庭所在地,宫殿气派雄伟,四面有护城河,屋顶绘满犯人受刑时的画像。岛西南海滨的丹那乐,岸边高地建有庙宇,因长年海浪冲蚀,使此地与本岛相离25米,形成孤岛,每当海潮上涨,宙宇在波涛中似沉似浮,宛如水中宫殿。 巴厘岛居民每年举行的宗教节日近200个,每逢节日,歌舞杂陈。由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。因此,它还享有多种别称,如“神明之岛”、“恶魔之岛”、“罗曼斯岛”、“绮丽之岛”、“天堂之岛”、“魔幻之岛”等。在自然科学上,1869年生物学家华莱斯还发现巴厘岛是亚洲大陆的“末梢”,典型的亚洲动物分布至此为止,而在它东方仅隔宽度不到40公里的海峡的龙目岛,动物即属大洋洲种。

Bali is not only beautiful natural charm of its rich and varied cultural and social customs are also worldwide. Balinese classical dance, elegant and diverse in the world, the art of dance has a unique position, is also Indonesia's national dance in a bright wonderful work. Among them, The Lion and the sword dance most representative. Bali sculpture (wood carving, stone carving), painting and crafts are also for its exquisite and unique style is well known. Everywhere on the island of exquisite wood and stone statues and reliefs, therefore, the island has Art Island reputation. Masi is well-known wood center island. Bali painting unique, mostly with plastic and mineral pigments painted on burlap or white canvas on the theme drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people's living habits, with rich local color. Therefore, the Bali is known as Island of Poetry, East Greek the laudatory name. Bird Island is located in the central part of Mu is the painting center, the museum preserved many historical relics and the huge painting. Mu near the bird, there is a square shape and the Millennium Kwu Tung ─ ─ such as holes, the hole depth is only two or three meters inside the cave, carved with life-like statues. In the Algarve the four famous mountains like a stone, and another five in the large stone altar before the separation; built in hillside cold light of Brazil's presidential palace. Bali as the hole of a Buddhist temple in the central island of Health advised the famous monkey temple monkeys in groups. The north is endowed with scenic lake than are libraries. Beijing to play the famous Mani, climate is cool, it can be seen year-round smoke Mi Meng Yuan Wang peak Batu volcano. The foot of Batu Batu lake also known for its beautiful scenery. Island, southeast Georgia is famous for underwater Bali Dynasty of ancient seat of the Tribunal, majestic style palace surrounded by a moat, when the roof painted over the portrait of tortured prisoners. Island, southwest of Tanah beach music, beach Heights built temples, because of years of wave erosion, so that here, with 25 meters away from the island phase, forming an island, whenever the tide rise, Zhou Yu Shen seems like the waves and the floating, like water palaces. Bali residents on their annual religious festival held in nearly 200 on festive occasions, song and dance have grown complex. As the Bali million species and customs, scenery very lai. Therefore, it enjoys a variety of nicknames such as Island of the gods, Devil's Island, Romance Island, lai Island, Paradise Island, Magic Island and so on. In the natural sciences, the 1869 Bali biologist Wallace also found that the Asian continent tips, a typical distribution of Animals Asia at this point, but in it the East twin appointment in less than 40 km width of the Strait of Lombok and animal species that belong to Oceania.

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