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时间:2023-04-10 来源:otovc.com


服装搭配用英文表达:Dress collocation 服装搭配主要指在款式,颜色上相协调,整体上达到得体,大方的效果。搭配技巧,主要从如何装扮出一位高雅、靓丽、脱俗的魅力女性即是网的旨趣所在。 服装搭配主要从择业、择偶、交友、社交、业务往来等方面就男性和女性服装服饰搭配艺术进行介绍,旨在在我们的日常生活中给网民以一定的指导和参考,同时也兼具娱乐欣赏性和满足拓展视野之需。






服装搭配用英文表达:Dress collocation 服装搭配主要指在款式,颜色上相协调,整体上达到得体,大方的效果。搭配技巧,主要从如何装扮出一位高雅、靓丽、脱俗的魅力女性即是网的旨趣所在。 服装搭配主要从择业、择偶、交友、社交、业务往来等方面就男性和女性服装服饰搭配艺术进行介绍,旨在在我们的日常生活中给网民以一定的指导和参考,同时也兼具娱乐欣赏性和满足拓展视野之需。







仫佬族男子都穿对襟无领上衣、长裤,年老的穿琵琶襟上衣(只有富豪乡绅或有“功名 ”的人才可穿有领上衣或长衫),长裤,下穿草鞋,赤脚的不多。老年人常戴硬沿平顶“碗 帽”,青壮年多戴瓜皮碗帽或扎青布头巾,小孩喜戴无顶绒绣“花帽”,前沿饰以银质或铜质的小佛象、小铃铛。现代的青年男子穿对襟外衣和长裤。






The tartan kilt has long been the most recognisable cultural tradition of the Highland Scots. It has now become the standard dress for all "Highlanders", has its origin in an older garment called the belted plaid. The Gaelic word for tartan is breacan, meaning partially colored or speckled, and every tartan today features a multicolored arrangement of stripes and checks. These patterns are used to identify the clan, family, or regiment with which the wearer is associated.Kilts have become normal wear for formal occasions, for example being hired for weddings in much the same way as top hat and tails are in England or tuxedos in America, and the kilt is being worn by anyone regardless of nationality or descent. Although a white tie style exists, the more common style of formal Highland regalia is seen in Black tie.Kilts have increasingly become more common around the world for casual wear. It's not uncommon at all to see kilts making an appearance at Irish pubs, and it is becoming somewhat less rare to see them in the workplace. Casual use of the kilt can be dressed down with black boots, white socks rolled down to the top of the boot, perhaps with a black tee shirt. Or it can be a little more dressed up with woolen kilt hose, a button up shirt, sweater, and perhaps even a sport jacket. The small ornamental Sgian Dubh dagger may be omitted.The modern tailored kilt is box-pleated or knife-pleated, with the pleats sewn in and the lower edges reaching not lower than the centre of the knee-cap. Nowadays a lighter weight of cloth tends to be used. The kilt is traditionally for men only, although in the modern era, women have also taken up the kilt as well as dresses patterned after kilts, and women pipers frequently wear kilts. Kilten skirts for girls are also worn.As with any other form of dress, the kilt is subject to the vagaries of fashion. Since the 1980s, kilts have appeared in such materials as leather, denim, polyviscose, and acrylic. Solid colors have also been used in place of tartan, as well as camoflage patterns. While these garments may be disliked by traditionalists, they provide evidence that the kilt still has a place in the modern fashion world and continues to evolve. (Saffron coloured kilts favoured by many Irishmen are solid colour and traditional.)Kilts have also made an appearance in Wales and Cornwall for special occasions. In these two Celtic regions the kilt is closely linked to the Celtic revival movements of the 19th and 20th century. The English county of Northumberland also possesses a tartan, and some Northumbrians, most notably Northumbrian pipers, wear kilts.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————The naked truth about what Scotsmen wear under their kilts has been revealed -- absolutely nothing.Braving the chilly Scottish weather, seven out of 10 men follow tradition and go naked beneath the country''s national dress, according to a survey.Highland tradition dictates men should wear nothing beneath their pleated skirts, in accordance with the punning saying: "Nothing is worn beneath the kilt -- it''s all in perfect working order."For those not brave enough to "go commando", the survey found boxer shorts with a tartan design were the second most popular choice.Scotsmen have worn kilts for hundreds of years, shrugging off jibes from south of the border.Kilt makers have moved with the times, recently unveiling a design with a pocket for a mobile phone.

九、英文 π怎么说?

pi[paI; pai]名词1 希腊字母之第十六个字母 (π,π)(相当于英文字母之 P,p; → Greek alphabet 表)2 (U)‘数学’圆周率



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