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科学家英语作文带翻译初一 我最崇拜的中国科学家英语作文50词?

时间:2023-07-25 来源:otovc.com


Yuan Longping has been engaged in the research of hybrid rice for half a century, and has made great contributions to solving the problem of Chinese people's eating。Mr. Wang's outstanding achievements not only belong to China, but also affect the world

Academician Yuan Longping is the pioneer of hybrid rice in China and the contemporary Shennong. Over the past 50 years, we have been working hard and exploring unremittingly in the front line of agricultural scientific research,

bringing green hope and golden harvest to human beings by using scientific and technological means to overcome hunger. It has not only contributed to solving the food and clothing of the Chinese people and ensuring national food security, but also set a monument to world peace and social progress


1 成为科学家需要多方面的努力和准备2 首先要有强烈的兴趣和好奇心,不断学习和探索科学知识3 其次需要具备扎实的学术基础和研究能力,通过参加科研项目和发表论文来积累经验和提高水平4 最后要有远大的目标和坚定的信念,不断挑战自己和突破自己的局限延伸内容:除了以上几点,还需要具备团队合作和沟通能力,以及持续不断地学习和更新科学知识的意识。同时也需要具备一定的创新思维和实践能力,能够将科学理论转化为实践成果,为社会做出贡献。成为科学家是一个漫长而充满挑战的过程,需要不断努力和追求,但同时也是一个充满成就感和意义的职业。

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